
Denise 🌿

294 Designs · 0 Likes


Homestyler App for Mobile

Create My Own Design

Minimalism Meets Necessity

A place where everything you grow inside you can eat. Stairs to a rooftop garden and where your solar panels live. And all your living space is open and airy.

This home design project - Minimalism Meets Necessity was published on 2024-05-13 and was 100% designed by Homestyler Mobile App, which includes 71 popular, exquisite models

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Comments (13)

  • avatar

    Certainly💘 Sharon🙋 @ VIKI V

    Remember that 20 products challenge on HS, I actually struggled with that. You know my numbers, I even won once with a 4 product design. I probably lean toward graphic artist style design, immediate impact in the fastest amount of time necessary. However many or however little products that it takes. I've slowed down a bit and gotten better at adding more details, not a lot, just more 😂🤣😂😂 You ladies have me on the details game! 🤩🤩

    18 May

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    Certainly💘 Sharon🙋 @ VIKI V

    Somehow we end up in the same places and meeting the same awesome designers. I love all things new to me. She's a great designer and she has the patience to do the intricate detail work, like you do in your architectural style. I can do some detail but not as heavy as you two go. I am a more big picture designer. I cannot stay on a design for that long and add all that those items. I don't have the capability to stay on one design for too long, my design joy and interest will begin to wane.

    18 May

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    Denise 🌿 @ VIKI V

    Well think it's a good thing at least for me LOL 😉☺️ I like to design a place I would feel comfortable in or could live in. Designing that way just makes me happy ❤😁😀🤗😄❤

    17 May

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    VIKI V @ Certainly💘 Sharon🙋

    Hiii, you spot me everywhere!!!😄😂😄😘 The HS planet is too small🤭🤭🤭 Yeah you're absolutely right!! Denise is a great designer, well we have a common thing of loving details🤭🤭😍😍😍

    17 May

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    VIKI V @ Denise 🌿

    I never imagine myself in my houses or designs 🤭🤭 idk is that good or bad🤔🤭

    17 May

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    VIKI V @ Denise 🌿


    17 May

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    Denise 🌿 @ Certainly💘 Sharon🙋

    Thank you! Truly Thank YOU!!! 🤗😃😁😚🥰❤

    17 May

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    Certainly💘 Sharon🙋 @ Denise 🌿

    Me as well and I like that you are also a fearless designer! Never change! It's brilliant.

    17 May

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    Denise 🌿 @ Certainly💘 Sharon🙋

    Thank you!!! 😌😊😚🥰❤🤗😁😃
    I do love to decorate 😁❤❤❤❤

    17 May

  • avatar

    Certainly💘 Sharon🙋 @ VIKI V

    Hey there, I just saw Denise works today for the first time and I gotta say She's Dynamite!!! A naturally gifted Designer 💯 percent 💖💖💖💖

    17 May
