Waiting for Cieha Annette Taylor
Day 22 of 30
Plant City, FLORIDA: Cieha went missing on Feb. 20, 2020. She dropped her boyfriend at his residence on Cowart Road at 4pm and then left.
At 7pm, Cieha 's car a 2-door Toyota Solara with faded paint was found unlocked and still running on the railroad tracks on East Trap el Road. This was about a mile from her boyfriend's house. Her debit card and cell phone were inside. There was no sign of her and she has never been heard from again.
Three weeks after her disappearance, her shoes were found on a drainage pipe near where her car had been located. The pipe was near a telephone pole with a missing persons flyer that was the one from Cieha's actual disappearance.
Her mother said the shoes were deliberately placed there because that area had been thoroughly searched multiple times.
Cieha is 31, has reddish brown curly hair past her shoulders, brown eyes and multiple tattoos and scars. Tattoos of the infinity symbol on her left upper chest; 2 X's on her back shoulders, A rose A sun and a ladybug. Scars inside of her firearms and a scar on her right upper arm.
Leads can be forwarded to Hillsboro P.D. @ 813-247-8200. 🙏🙏🙏 going up for Cieha's safe return to her family. This home design project - Waiting for Cieha Annette Taylor was published on 2024-05-06 and was 100% designed by Homestyler Mobile App, which includes 14 popular, exquisite models
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