Even all These Traps Don’t Scare Us, Do They??
Sorensen and Michelle approached the weirdly decorated spooky house with the upmost precaution. Oh, come on Sorensen we’re going home , if you think I’m going in that open door your crazy, even if you are my big brother who swore to protect me when I told you I’m not going near this place.Sorensen bravely stepped forward with his right foot into the open door. Suddenly they were surrounded by a nest of bats they had awaken with Michelle’s nagging voice increasing by the moment. Sorensen furiously swatting the bats attacking, fought back with the fallen branches surrounding this frightening place. Michelle, hold the beam of light directly at them from the lantern I gave you! Not me Bro, I’m hiding behind the rocks over there, they seem to be attracted by the huge black crow your caring on the end of your dumb stick, I told you not to wear that thing! Sorensen bravely ran with his sister to the rocks to be sure she was well hidden, then as sure as his name was Sorensen he raced back to the forbidden house and with all the might he could force from his body, he rolled a huge boulder in front of the the door as he kicked it closed with an amazing thrust of his leg. Securing the door closed and checking the surroundings, Sorensen ran back and wrapped his younger sister in his arms. Oh, Sorensen, I’m so sorry I doubted your promise to Mom and Dad that you were in charge and we would have a super Halloween, how do you put up with me sometimes? Sorensen grinned that shy smile of his and simply said, “ what are big brothers for”? Come on kid, we’ve got candy to eat. This home design project - Even all These Traps Don’t Scare Us, Do They?? was published on 2023-11-04 and was 100% designed by Homestyler Mobile App, which includes 43 popular, exquisite models
a display of various types of animals in a building
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